A True Stand Out
I have looked into many of the other ebike companies making similar products and I can tell you that everything Lyric is doing, the others are not. Quality parts and product with thoughtful design. They’re doing great things and once you ride their bikes it will become obvious as to why they are different.
Quite the Company
These guys come up with info, links, advice, service, who, what & where! I am most impressed! A very kind company to deal with. It's not all about, profit & sales, there is more to life than that. Thank you for proving that!
More Than Just an eBike
Designing a legendary bike is a lot like crafting an iconic song. A catchy beat can make a one-hit wonder, but creating a classic? That takes memorable chords and melodies, precise stuck-in-your-head lyrics, and that special it factor that fires you up, breaks your heart, or brings you right back to that one summer night (you know the one).
Lyric Cycles are not just another electric bike - they're an instant classic. We thoughtfully and meticulously design our eBikes to harmoniously blend modern sustainable technology and beauty.
And just like you never forget the lyrics to your favorite song… the freedom, carefree bliss and spiritual escape of a Lyric Cycle lingers long after your ride.

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Additional customs fees for Canadian orders may apply.
Book an Info Session with Team Lyric
Real life humans are behind Lyric Cycles, and we LOVE connecting with our customers